3 Reasons You’re Having Problems With Your AC Compressor

We can thank our AC units for keeping us nice and cool in the summer. However, without proper care and air conditioning maintenance, the whole AC system might break down and lead to repair or a total system replacement. This can cost a lot of money, so it’s best to treat problems in the AC system as soon as you notice them. 

AC compressor problems can cause damage to the whole system. The compressor carries heat away from your house by compressing the refrigerant liquid. The process of compression involves heating the refrigerant to convert it to liquid form. If the compressor gets damaged, the unit might have a hard time heating and cooling your home.

It’s best to be aware of the different reasons a compressor might break so that you can take the necessary course of action. Here are three of the most common causes of AC compressor problems.

1. Contaminants in the AC System

Contaminants such as dirt, debris, and mineral deposits can end up in your AC system. When these contaminants accumulate, they may end up blocking the drain lines. Blocked drain lines can make it difficult for the AC compressor to compress the air. When the AC can’t do its job, it struggles and can get damaged due to it exerting extra power. 

To remove the contaminants blocking the drain lines, you must get the assistance of AC repair technicians to inspect the system.

2. Electrical Wiring Problems

A power supply might be the cause of your AC compressor breaking down. Check for any loose or cut wires and contact a technician immediately to fix the problem. Do not attempt to reconnect loose cables or replace cut ones yourself, as dealing with electrical wires can be dangerous.

An overheated unit or an oversupply of electricity could also lead to tripped circuits and blown fuses. Again, do not attempt to fix this on your own, as you might end up electrocuted. 

3. Refrigerant Leaks

Check for cracks in your AC system as these might lead to a refrigerant leak. When there’s a refrigerant leak, the compressor will work harder to pump refrigerant into the AC system. Overexertion will tire out your AC compressor and accelerate the wear and tear process. If you don’t repair the leakage, you might need to replace the unit, which is more expensive.

Aside from causing damage to your AC compressor, unaddressed refrigerant leaks can also harm your family. When humans and animals get exposed to freon gas from refrigerant leaks, it could lead to refrigerant poisoning, cutting off vital oxygen cells. 

Additionally, the compressor can get damaged by using the wrong refrigerant and high refrigerant levels. Make sure to contact AC repair professionals to ensure your AC’s refrigerant levels are consistent and enough to power the system.

Final Thoughts

There are many reasons your AC system isn’t performing as it should. Don’t wait until it’s too late to take action. When you notice any refrigerant leaks, electrical wiring problems, and other compressor issues, contact an AC repair technician to resolve the issue as soon as possible. 

For your air conditioning maintenance needs, you can trust Aircor Air Conditioning and Heating to do the job right. We are Chicago’s premier HVAC service provider, and we specialize in residential and commercial air conditioning installations. Schedule an appointment now!

Stephen Robles

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