Benefits of a Well-Maintained HVAC System


As with any mechanical system, to run efficiently, there needs to be consistent maintenance. Your HVAC system is the same way. Whether you want warm air in during the cold Chicago winters, or you want to cool off during the hot summers, any home or business owner wants and needs a reliable heating and cooling system. So, do you know how long it’s been since you’ve had your air conditioning system maintenanced? The experts at Aircore recommend that you have your HVAC units checked at least once a year. Before the days get too hot, this is the perfect time to schedule an appointment with us.



If you’re the person in your home or office who is always going to the thermostat to adjust the temperature, you’ll appreciate this benefit of having a functioning system. Comfort! Being too hot or too cold can be distracting, affecting your work and performance. Instead of trying to dress for a stuffy, overly hot office, have your AC unit checked to make sure it’s running properly.

Lower Bills

Home or business owners in Chicago will always want to save money. Just like getting an oil change for your car can help you get better gas mileage, and saves you money, so can maintaining your HVAC system. If your system is working harder to pump out cool or warm air, it’s using more electricity. So when your next utility bill comes in and it’s lower than the month before, you’ll wish that you had the unit maintenanced sooner!

Lasts Longer

Air conditioners can typically last between 15 and 20 years, but that’s with regular maintenance, cleanings, and checkups. If you have noticed that the air isn’t as cool as it once was, or it takes longer to heat your home in the winter, this is probably because it’s been a while since a technician has serviced the unit. A well-maintained HVAC system will last longer and run more efficiently.

Not as Many Repairs

Many of the issues that occur with your furnace or AC unit could have been prevented if it had been found earlier and hadn’t caused a greater problem. If your filter is clogged or there are blocked vents and registers, these minor fixes can lead to major repairs if left untreated. We understand that no one looks forward to hiring an HVAC technician, but this scenario is all too common.


Have you ever had to blast the volume on your TV when the furnace kicks in? Save your ears and hire an HVAC company! When the unit is running as it should, it should be a gentle hum in the background. And if you’ve been pushing your old system to the limits, new units are even quieter and more efficient. Give us a call today about heating and cooling installation.Summers and winters in Chicago can be uncomfortable, but that doesn’t mean you have to be uncomfortable in your own home or office. With help from the experts at Aircore, you can finally be confident that you’re heating and cooling system is running cleanly. Get in touch with our Chicago office today and schedule a maintenance appointment.


Common HVAC FAQs


To Repair or Replace the Air Conditioner