Common HVAC FAQs


There’s a lot to know about the entire HVAC system, so it’s understandable that you may have a lot of questions! But don’t worry, many of your fellow Chicago residents have the same questions. At Aircore, we want to provide you with not only superior service, but also to share our knowledge about the heating and cooling systems in your home or commercial building. The more you know, the better you’ll be able to care for your AC unit and furnace. So here are some of the most common questions our contractors get.

When Should I Replace the Air Filter?

This will depend on your air filter, the system, and how often you run it. However, it’s a good idea to take a look at the filter at least once a month. If you regularly look at your car’s air filter, you’ll know what to look for — dark, clogged, or dusty. As you can imagine, an old filter will cause the system to run less efficiently, leading to an increase in utility bills.

When Should I Have the HVAC System Serviced?

Because you run different systems depending on the season, it’s a good idea to have your furnace checked each winter and your AC unit checked each spring or early summer. These regular checks can prevent minor issues from becoming bigger, and costly, repairs. If you have an older system, you may need to have them checked more often. The last thing you want is your AC unit to go out on the hottest day of the year.

How Can I Lower My Utility Bills?

Even though the nights are still fairly cool in Chicago, the days are getting hotter and hotter. During this time of year it can be hard to nail down the best temperature to set your thermostat at. This can mean higher bills.

  • Try using a smart thermostat that will help reduce unnecessary heating and cooling.

  • If you don’t already, install new HVAC systems that are energy-efficient.

  • Hire a technician to regularly maintenance the system.

  • Consider making changes to your home, such as installing energy-efficient windows and repairing any air leaks.

What Size Heating and Cooling System Do I Need?

This can depend on the size of the space you’re trying to heat or cool. It’s important to do some research to find a unit that isn’t too big or too small. When it’s too big, it will cool or heat your home too quickly and will shut off. Constantly turning on and off can increase costs and affect the lifespan of the unit. When it’s too small, it will always be on, having the same result. Take into consideration the height of the rooms and the square footage of the space. Get in touch with Aircore for a personalized quote.

What is a SEER Rating?


Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, SEER is meant to ensure that all new AC units meet the minimum requirements. Equipment that has been manufactured today needs to meet a rating of at least 13, but ratings can be as high as 21.

What Does AFUE Stand For?

The Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency is similar to SEER, except for furnaces. If you have an older draft furnace or boiler, it could have a rating of around 80 percent. However, newer manufacturers have developed units that have around a 98 percent rating. If your furnace has a rating of 95 percent, it means that is how much energy is being used for heating your home.

What Does HSPF Stand For?

Heating Seasonal Performance Factor is also another method of rating air conditioning systems.

Do Vents Need to be Covered in Winter?

Even though Chicago winters can be harsh, it’s best to leave the cover on the vents. If the air was to be turned on, it can cause damage to the condenser and other internal components. These parts are designed to stand up to harsh weather.If you have any questions that aren’t answered here, get in touch with the team at Aircore. We serve the Chicago area with superior HVAC services. Whether you need a simple maintenance check or if you’re in need of a full heating or cooling installation, we can make it happen. Don’t go without a reliable furnace or AC unit living in Chicago. Call Aircore today!


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